Waking up this morning, I was greeted with great news – a paper on ethical and methodological issues I co-wrote with Hallvard Moe had been accepted for publication in Nordicom Review. The paper, entitled Methodological and ethical challenges with large-scale analyses of online political communication, emanates from our ongoing project on political Twitter use in the Scandinavian region. This publication marks a nice opportunity for us to provide other interested researchers with some insights into the issues we continuously face when doing research on social media and sets of “big data”. A pre-print version of the paper is available here.
Category Archives: publication
New publication
A paper that I co-wrote with, among others, Stefan Hrastinski and Jenny Eriksson Lundström, was published in this month’s issue of First Monday. While I think the paper turned out good and interesting, what is perhaps even more interesting is the semi-Swedish coat of arms (or something like that) that is currently featured on the First Monday web site. For the purposes of documentation, it is also featured in the screen shot above. Viking research?
Accepted for publication – New Media & Society
My vacation in Tarragona, Spain is winding down. Just as I was about to head off to the NordMedia 2011 conference (by way of Sweden), I was informed that my co-authored paper “Studying political microblogging. Twitter users in the 2010 Swedish election campaign” had been accepted for publication in New Media & Society. Good news indeed – I’ve mentioned before that this particular journal was one of my inspirations for pursuing a career in research, and so, I was very satisfied with these news. The paper was co-written with Hallvard Moe and is the first publication to come out of our ongoing project regarding political Twitter use in the Scandinavian countries.
Paper published before print
As of yesterday, one of my papers on the use of interactive features on the web sites of Swedish newspapers is available (pending your library benefits) via New Media & Society. If I remember correctly, it is scheduled for print in the november issue of said journal.
Two in a row!
It seems like all of my work for the past three years is paying off at almost the same time. One of my papers on the 2o10 Swedish election just got published in First Monday. Specifically, it attempts to track the changes that political party web sites undergo throughout the entire election year. While there has been several papers on similar matters, they have often focused their analyses on a couple of weeks preceding the election date. To my knowledge, my paper is the first one to look at how these developments play out during a longer of period of time. Apparently, it was original enough to merit publication in First Monday. Which is good.
New publication – First Monday
The first paper I wrote after I was accepted to the PhD programme has now been published in First Monday. In this collaboration with Stefan Hrastinski, we present a research review on research regarding blogs and blogging as carried out in the social sciences and humanities. In doing so, we identify a few research gaps and provide recommendations for other researchers interested in this particular topic. Personally, I think First Monday is a very interesting venue to publish in – high quality, interdisciplinary and free of charge. Hopefully, I’ll be able to publish there again.
Accepted for publication – Convergence
Second acceptance in under a week – I’m on a lucky streak here… Yesterday, I received word from the editors that my paper on interactive features on Swedish newspaper web sites had been accepted with revision for publication in Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies.
Accepted for publication – New Media & Society
Just before the weekend, I was informed that my paper regarding use and appreciation of interactive features on online newspapers had been accepted for publication in a forthcoming issue of New Media & Society. As this journal were among my initial inspirations to pursue an academic career, I felt (and still feel) especially satisfied with this particular publication.