We won a prize

They almost got the last name right. Almost.

A paper I co-authored with Øyvind Ihlen and Ketil Raknes was recently awarded the best paper award during the 2019 EUPRERA conference. Here’s what the jury had to say about our paper, entitled “The democratic success of Twitter as a lobbying tool”:

The paper discusses the contribution of Twitter to democratic goals of engagement and debate by asking “What type of interest groups and organizations succeed in having members of parliament react on (retweet) their Twitter messages?”. To answer this question, the authors analyzed the extent to which Norwegian politicians retweet messages from interest groups and lobbyists during normal parliamentary activity. Despite the touted democratic potential of Twitter, the researchers find that it is the powerful groups and organizations that get heard more by politicians, also on Twitter. The paper is excellently written with solid links to the relevant literature and sound methodology.

Wes Anderson Palettes for Tableau

Image from Tableau Community Forums.

A colleague alerted me to the existence of the Wes Anderson color palettes for R, which of course has led to a serious reconsideration on my part regarding the ways in which I usually format my graphs. For reference, please visit this page. As I like to do data visualization in both R and Tableau, and as I could not find a set of RGB codes suitable for import into the latter of the two, I went ahead and adopted my Preferences.tps file following these instructions. The results can be found below. If you are interested, you should be able to simply copy this code and paste it into your own Tableau Preferences.tps file. I have also made a copy of my own file available for download here.

<color-palette name="BottleRocket_all" type="regular" >

<color-palette name="BottleRocket1" type="regular" >

<color-palette name="BottleRocket2" type="regular" >

<color-palette name="Rushmore_all" type="regular" >

<color-palette name="Rushmore" type="regular" >

<color-palette name="Rushmore1" type="regular" >

<color-palette name="Royal_all" type="regular" >

<color-palette name="Royal1" type="regular" >

<color-palette name="Royal2" type="regular" >

<color-palette name="Zissou1" type="regular" >

<color-palette name="Darjeeling_all" type="regular" >

<color-palette name="Darjeeling1" type="regular" >

<color-palette name="Darjeeling2" type="regular" >

<color-palette name="Chevalier1" type="regular" >

<color-palette name="FantasticFox1" type="regular" >

<color-palette name="Moonrise1" type="regular" >

<color-palette name="Moonrise1" type="regular" >

<color-palette name="Moonrise2" type="regular" >

<color-palette name="Moonrise3" type="regular" >

<color-palette name="Cavalcanti1" type="regular" >

<color-palette name="GrandBudapest_all" type="regular" >

<color-palette name="GrandBudapest1" type="regular" >
<color>#D67236 </color>

<color-palette name="GrandBudapest2" type="regular" >

<color-palette name="IsleofDogs_all" type="regular" >

<color-palette name="IsleofDogs1" type="regular" >

<color-palette name="IsleofDogs2" type="regular" >

Note that the original R code feature multiple sets of colors for some of the movies – for example, we can choose between “BottleRocket1” and “BottleRocket2”. For the Tableau code included here, I have merged these multiple files as well as kept the original parts – so for Bottle Rocket, the code features “BottleRocket_all” in combination with the two previously mentioned sets. As you’ll see, there are several such sets that are also offered in a combined fashion.

I think the Zissou set of colors is my favourite. Which one is yours?

“Washington D.C. / It’s paradise to me”

“It’s not the way they put folks on the moon”

Acceptance letters for the 2019 ICA conference are out, and this year I am fortunate enough to be involved in four presentations:

  • Larsson, Anders Olof (2019). Coherent Clusters’ or ‘Fuzzy Zones’ – Understanding attention and structure in online political participation.
  • Skogerbø, Eli and Larsson, Anders Olof (2019). Comparing Twitter and Instagram as platforms for party leader communication – Findings from the 2017 Norwegian election.
  • Russmann, UtaSvensson, Jakob and Larsson, Anders Olof (2019). Portraying Politics – Instagram use in Scandinavian election campaigns. 
  • Rustad, Gry Cecilie and Larsson, Anders Olof (2019). Spreading Skam: Social media television reception and textual engagement.

A healthy mix of political communication and television studies – no journalism presentations for me this year, it would seem. All in all, it looks like I will have a busy conference once when the International Communication Association convenes in Washington D.C. at the end of may.

Guest lecture in Uppsala

Just back in Oslo from a guest lecture in Uppsala – at the department where I worked for several years and got my Ph. D. I was invited by the alumni organisation at the university to talk about some of my ongoing research regarding the 2018 Swedish election. Hopefully I’ll be able to present some of this research in a more formalised setting sooner rather than later.

Presentations accepted at the 2018 ECREA conference

The dust has settled following the review process for the seventh bi-annual European Communication Conference, to be held this year in Lugano, Switzerland. Three submissions that I was involved with were accepted for presentation:

… sort of a “mixed bag” of my research interests – mostly political communication, but also a presentation based on my ongoing collaboration with Gry Cecilie Rustad (university of Oslo) regarding Instagram fan engagement with the popular Norwegian webb-tv-series Skam.

Convergence editorial board membership

I am pleased to announce that I have accepted the offer to serve on the editorial board of
Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies. A truly interdisciplinary journal, Convergence features scholarship emanating from humanities and from the social sciences. As I mostly associate myself with the latter of these two overarching disciplines, I look forward to playing a part in shaping the output of the journal in this regard in the coming years.

Exchange in Antwerp

Spending a couple of days at the University of Antwerpen, Department of Communication Studies as part of an ERASMUS staff mobility exchange, hosted by Hilde Van den Bulck. While here, I’ve guest lectured in a journalism studies class organised by Steve Paulussen and a political communication class organised by Peter Van Aelst. Moreover, I had a nice opportunity to discuss the possibilities and pitfalls of digital methods and data gathering from social media with a few doctoral students who are working on really interesting projects.


Presenting at ICA in San Diego

Picture from Stephen Cushion on Twitter.

I may look somewhat reserved in the picture above, but in reality, I had a good time at the Journalism Studies Division PhD Colloquium. I commented on a paper and, as seen above, took part in a panel on career management for (comparably) younger scholars. Others taking part in the panel were Valerie Belair-Gagnon, Nikki Usher and Edson Tandoc Jr.

Besides the colloquium, I was involved in two other presentations – one in a preconference on online commenting, “Comments, Anyone? Multidisciplinary Approaches for Analyzing Online User Comments Across News and Other Content Formats”, where a collaborative project involving myself, Karoline Andrea Ihlebæk and Anders Sundnes Løvlie was presented by Karoline. Moreover, I presented my own work regarding the uses of Instagram by politicians and parties during a session of the main conference organised by the political communication division.