As of april of this year, I have been appointed Director of Communication for The Swedish IT-User Centre (NITA). The web page is in Swedish, but english speakers can find information on NITA and its objectives here.
The picture didn’t turn out to good, but besides that…
Together with Else Nygren, I co-authored this article on digital generations in schools for the Swedish debate site Newsmill.
Time to brush up on your german
I’ve been interviewed in german media regarding “webwills” – digital last wills. Brush up on your german and read the article here.
ECIS 2010
I’ve been selected to participate at the Doctoral Consortium at the 18th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). Pretoria, South Africa, 4-6 june 2010.
Interview in Metro
Today, I was interviewed in Metro regarding my summer course on Social media and Web 2.0
Accepted to Nordforsk course
I’ve been accepted to take part in the doctoral course Methodologies of Media and Communication Studies:
How to avoid pitfalls and face challenges. The course is arranged by Nordforsk and takes place at the Murikka Centre in Tampere, Finland on the 15-19 of march.
In november, I will be presenting an overview of two of my research projects at, The Swedish Internet Research Conference.
Interact 2009 in Uppsala
At the end of august, I’ll be attending the Interact 2009 conference in Uppsala.
Doctoral Colloquium at IR 10.0
I’ve been accepted to the Doctoral Colloquium preceding the Internet Research 10.0 conference that I will be attending in October.
IR 10.0
I’ll be attending the Internet Research 10.0 conference taking place 7-11 October 2009 in Milwaukee, WI. I’ll be presenting a research review on blogs and blogging.