Just before the weekend, I was informed that my paper regarding use and appreciation of interactive features on online newspapers had been accepted for publication in a forthcoming issue of New Media & Society. As this journal were among my initial inspirations to pursue an academic career, I felt (and still feel) especially satisfied with this particular publication.
Accepted for ICA 2011
Just as I was about to leave for Rutgers and the School of Communication and Information, I received word that my submisson for ICA 2011 had been accepted. I will be presenting part of my research on audience use of interactive features on online newspapers. I’m looking forward to an interesting conference, and to spending a few days in Boston.
Visit to Rutgers University
From january 18th to March 14th, I’ll be a visiting PhD student the School of Communication and Information, Rutgers University. I’ve been assigned to live at Ford Hall, right next to the school. I’m looking forward to a fun couple of weeks in New Brunswick, and also a couple of visits to New York.
ICIS 2010
It’s almost december, which means I’ll soon be heading west to St Louis and the ICIS 2010 conference. I will present my work on online newspapers during the poster session (poster available via SlideShare). I have also been admitted to the OASIS pre-conference workshop, where I will give a short presentation regarding my current work on internet use during the 2010 Swedish elections. Hopefully, I’ll also find the time to see a bit more of St Louis than the conference hotel – although it looks nice…
Appearance on Swedish Television
My speech and subsequent discussion session during Internetdagarna was filmed and broadcast on Swedish Television (that’s me in the middle in the picture above). I was discussing some of my research findings regarding the recently held Swedish general election (more info here). The entire session is available for your perusal (in Swedish only) on YouTube – my speech starts at 23 minutes and 20 seconds.
New Media, New Theories, New Methods
I have been accepted for participation in the New Media, New Theories, New Methods PhD course in Kalundborg, Denmark. It looks like an interesting course, and it will give me an opportunity to present my ongoing work on Internet use during the 2010 Swedish election.
On my way to Göteborg
Seated on the 06.00 train from Stockholm to Göteborg (Gothenburg, GBG, whatever) and the Internet Research 11 conference. Although I don’t have a presentation during the actual conference itself, I will present some tentative results from my two studies regarding the recent 2010 Swedish election during the Evaluating Social Media pre-conference workshop.
Visiting Bergen
I’m in Bergen to give a presentation and to collaborate with Hallvard Moe on a few research projects focusing on the social media platform Twitter. Should be good. Only downside is the weather. It rains here. A lot.
last day of school
Just sent of the last student essays that were handed in to me as part of my summer course on social media and web 2.0 (swedish). This year, some 40 students took part – a drop since last summer, but still quite good for a distance-based summer course.